Oh so many projects. I've pretty much always got something (or multiple somethings) in various stages of development.
This page is meant to be a sort of archive/reference of them, although projects completed prior to May 2009 will be less well-documented due to that being the start date for this page. As the page grows I imagine I'll need to come up with some sort of organizational system; we'll see what happens. Perhaps subpages for each project or category of projects.
Current projects:
- I have a lathe now! I haven't yet made very much with it, but I'm learning still.
- I'm currently saving up for a mill, which I will then convert to CNC. (And use to convert my lathe to CNC, too, eventually.)
I have one of these CNC machines on its way to me in the near future. Stay tuned for many, many things to be posted here as a result. The company (Lumenlab) is effectively out of business and has taken all its customers' (mine included) money with them, partially due to bad luck (health problems), compounded by outright lies. I don't expect anymore ever to receive anything from them (either a bot or my $3k back), but it would be nice.
- I want a 3D printer. That's next on my list.
"Someday" projects:
- Everything in my favorites list on Instructables. Especially the word clock and
air hockey table.
- A sleeptracking alarm clock (detects ~90-minute sleep cycles and adjusts the wakeup time so that the alarm goes off when you're in a lighter sleep - see aXbo for inspiration)
- Learning programming
- A hydroponic garden
- A multitouch computer touchscreen - Community wiki
- A clock like
this, except more. One with minutes and seconds too.
- Embossed business/calling cards - Instructable
Past projects:
- A hammock stand - Instructable
- A monome (actually the open-source derivative, the Arduinome)
- Designing and coding (although my programming skills are limited) this website, which is currently in version 4.0
- Building computers from parts (twice, plus upgrades and modifications)
- Serious automotive repair (I spent a 4-day weekend dissassembling most of the interior and part of the engine of my car in order to get at and replace the air conditioning evaporator (pictures here); routine maintenance is also (perhaps obviously) something I do)
- Construction of a sci-fi/etc. convention costume (construction gallery 1 and gallery 2)